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Thursday, March 29, 2012
Fat Burning foods for Fast Weight Loss
weight becomes very easy when the diet plan is logically managed and
followed keeping in view the body requirements. There is no need to
fasting all the day or over exercising to get the results positive. Here
are given 10 wonderful weight loss tips for reducing the body weight
fast and safely without any side effects.
Never skip Breakfast
An amazing fact is that all the successful dieters have a common habit that they all eat the breakfast. It will be a major mistake if any body thinks that skipping the breakfast may help in reducing weight; no it is very much necessary to control your burning hunger which ultimately results in overeating all the day. Yogurt, whole grain cereal, low fat milk and fruits are the best breakfast menu to be followed.Role of Physical Activity in Maintaining Weight
Body Composition
Human body composition gradually shifts; the proportion of
muscle decreases and the proportion of fat increases with increasing
age. This shift slows body metabolism, making it easier to gain weight.
Lack of Exercise
Commonly, many people becomes less physically active as they get older and being use to get more facilities, increasing the risk of weight gainWhat is Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever?

What is Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever?
hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is caused by infection with a tick borne
virus. First time in 1969 it was recognized as the cause of illness in
the Congo, since then the illness is known as Congo fever. Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever is found in Eastern Europe, particularly in the former Soviet Union. It is also distributed throughout the Mediterranean, in northwestern China, central Asia, southern Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and the Indian subcontinent.
How Crimean-Congo-Hemorrhagic Fever Spreads?
ticks are both a reservoir and a vector for the CCHF virus. Numerous
wild and domestic animals, such as cattle, goats, sheep and hares, serve
as hosts for the virus. Transmission to humans occurs through contact
with infected animal blood or ticks. CCHF can be transmitted from one
infected human to another by contact with infectious blood or body
fluids. Documented spread of CCHF has also occurred in hospitals due to
improper sterilization of medical equipment, reuse of injection needles,
and contamination of medical supplies.
Act of Giving – Happiness in Abundance

Author: We spend our life, working hard, for more and more. Our greed to acquire never ends. Our schools, colleges and Universities are busy in developing new and advanced theories on the ‘Art of Acquiring'. Our parents, right from day one, look forward to our growth in terms of acquiring knowledge and wealth. The results are obvious. We earn what we aspire for. We aspire for wealth right from our childhood. This is true, generations after generations, and the result is that the wealth of the world has multiplied in geometrical progression, over a period of time. We have been so busy in our quest for wealth that we hardly have time to think or practice anything else. In the process we have lost our peace of mind and happiness. We are trapped in the mad race of generating wealth. Our life has become mechanical. Being tired of mechanical, monotonous and artificial life, we run after superficial happiness, to hotels, restaurants, night-clubs and what not. We lead a life, where we are of nobody and nobody is ours. Everyone ends at money. The result is unhappiness. The deeper we get into the mud of shortcut to happiness, more and more unhappy we are.
Money is a necessity of life. Earning money, by good means, is necessary and one must work hard for the same. What is bad and dangerous for life is getting obsessed with money – which has become the order of the day.
9 Tips to Quick Belly Fat Loss
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Belly fat is not only unattractive, but also very unhealthy. Neither men nor women feel sexy when they have excess fat in the belly area. Extra belly fat can cause bloating, diabetes, heartburn, heart disease, stroke, cancer and dementia. While belly fat is both ugly and unhealthy, there are ways to get loss the belly fat and feel attractive again.
• Eat more often: Researchers have proven that eating 5-6 small meals daily, will prevent you from overeating at meal times and boosts metabolism as it will be working around the clock.
• Don't skip breakfast: When your body is sleeping it is essentially starving itself, and it slows down your metabolism. You burn less calories and energy, making it more difficult to loss the belly fat. Eating a big (but healthy) breakfast will jumpstart your metabolism again.
• Monitor the food you are eating: Keeping a record of what you eat and when will help keep you accountable to your diet and weight loss plan. If you have a cookie every night at 7pm, you many know why you can't lose that extra five pounds you have been trying to shed for months
Why physical exercise is necessary for fitness?
To get Healthy Muscles
It is common perception that people related to physical working
group need no exercise to remain fit; it is wrong. To remain healthy
and fit physical exercise is necessary for all. As learnt by experience
that muscles unless adequately exercised or used become weak and
inefficient day by day. So it is necessary to use the body muscles
through exercise in order to remain physically fit. Importance of
physical fitness can be estimated by the following lines.How to Remain Happy?
What is Happiness?
Happiness is not a thing which can be bought from market; it is a sense and positive thinking style. No doubt, people have to face sorrows and grieve in their lives, but it is evident that some people always try to manage their problems and remain struggling without being depressed. On the other hand some people become stressed, depressed and lamenting the situation they are being faced with. It is fact that people like to give company to happy persons instead of a depressed one. You also want to be one of them who remain happy; not question the question is that How to Remain Happy? Here are some tips and guidance to fight with depression and to remain happy:-Health Benefits of Physical Fitness

Five Health Factors
What is Health State
Human body system is very much complicated, based on so many
systems operating simultaneously and interlinked with each others. Here
is an example to understand; the serviceability of all parts of a
clock is monitored and can be judged by the accuracy of time, it
shows. If the inner parts are working accurately and systematically
the time of clock is 100% accurate. On the other hand if any part of
the clock is malfunctioning the time will be disturbed showing inner
problem. The state of health is like the time of the clock. If any body
feels uneasy, anxious, irritable, gloomy without sufficient cause; he
is not fit, he is not healthy and his body is not in the state of
health even in spite of all medical test reports show him clear.How to Sleep Tight without Pills?
Tips to Fight Depression: If You have Diagnosed with Unfortunately
Your friends and family members are very much important, who can play their active role to help you out in depression fight. Prolonged feeling of guilt, sadness, low self-esteem and loathing of life mostly results in Stress and Depression. Here are some guidelines, which must be adhered to improve your mental health and will power to fight against depression:-
A Heart Touching Story for Drivers
Really heart touching.........
I was walking around in a Big Bazar store making shopping, when I saw a Cashier talking to a boy couldn't have been more than 5 or 6 years old..The Cashier said, 'I'm sorry, but you don't have enough money to buy this doll. Then the little boy turned to me and asked: ''Uncle, are you sure I don't have enough money?''
I counted his cash and replied: ''You know that you don't have enough money to buy the doll, my dear.'' The little boy was still holding the doll in his hand.
Fire safety awareness

How to prevent from Viral Hepatitis?

Hepatitis Prevention Tips
Viral hepatitis is caused by numerous viruses among those the prominent viruses are named as HAV, HBV, HCV and HEV according to the classifications of hepatitis type i.e. A, B, C and E. Hepatitis A and E is vide spreading as compared to other types being water and food borne disease. It is pertinent to mention that the causes and prevention for the disease is necessary to understand in order to maintain health and fitness.How to Prevent Life and Valuables from Fire

I think the most harmful and terrible hazard not only for health beauty and fitness but even to the life as a whole is fire. Here are given some guidelines in order to prevent fire hazard;-
Breastfeeding Tips for new Mothers

Essential safety teachings for children

How to Stop Breastfeeding?

Wednesday, March 28, 2012
How to avoid Pregnancy Stretch Marks Before and After Birth?

How to Avoid Labor Pain During Child Birth

Pregnant Safety during Hot Weather

Tips for Pregnancy Test

Early signs of pregnancy
Missing the period is knows as early signs of pregnancy. There may be other pregnancy symptoms like nausea or morning sickness appearing but Laboratory Test is considered the final authentication of pregnancy: so before going into pregnancy test some important points regarding Home Pregnancy Test are necessary to be kept in mind in order to get accurate resultsImportance of Breastfeeding for Newborn and Nursing Mother?

7 Sexy Tips for Getting Pregnant

How to Get Pregnant Fast?
Pregnancy Chances
The chances of pregnancy increase in a position when the entire body of a woman has become fully stimulated and susceptible to conception. So many factors are involved to bring a lady to its peak susceptibility for pregnancy and all the tips are helpful to get pregnant fast.Ovulation Factor
One of the most important factors of pregnancy is ovulation cycle; menstrual periods are the result of ovulation cycle. Every month women ovary produces and egg, which travels through fallopian tubes and reaches a specific point staying alive for only 24 hours waiting the sperm for fertilization.Your toddler's declaration of independence

transition from dependence to independence, though gradual, is a
developmental milestone worth celebrating. And to ensure this paramount
shift progresses in a healthy and somewhat seamless fashion, parents
ought to consider a couple of things.
The pill: Myths and facts

Since it became available in Canada over 50 years ago, the pill remains
one of the most popular forms of birth control. Close to half of women
in Canada use the pill for birth control or to regulate their menstrual
cycle. Still, many misconceptions lurk behind the contraceptive. Staff
obstetrician and gynecologist at The Hospital for Sick Children
(SickKids), Dr. Nicolette Caccia, helps separate the fallacies from the
Myth: It's not safe to use birth control pills to manipulate your
Respiratory system

How the Body Works

Autism Spectrum Disorder Resource Centre
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Avoid becoming a victim of your own (health) success
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Dr. James Wright |
Young adolescents with chronic conditions need to begin preparing for the transition to adult care
Not long ago, it used to be that most children born with spina bifida would not survive to age 20. The
condition, in which the spinal column does not close properly before
birth, has several types and can create devastating problems. Over the
decades however, surgery has helped improved both survival and the
quality of life of these patients. Today, most children born with spina
bifida will live full lives.
This incredible success has created its own issues
though. Generally, patients with spina bifida like most chronic
conditions, require ongoing care. While it is initially treated with
surgery, care will not end in the post-operative ward. Nor will it end
when the child grows up to become an adult. Spina bifida is just one of a
growing list of chronic conditions which are successfully treated
early, saving the life of the child, but making that child a patient for
life into adulthood.
During early childhood, the responsibility for
sticking with the ongoing care these patients need is primarily the
responsibility of the parents. They bring the child to the appointments,
and make sure their medications are taken at the right time and at the
right doses. This demanding responsibility allows the child to gain his
or her maximum potential and avoid bigger medical issues as they grow.
But as the child turns into an adolescent and
ultimately an adult, that responsibility will shift from parent to
patient. The question is, will they be ready to take on that
A very brief history of surgery

By James Wright, MD, MPH
confronted with the prospect of their child having an operation, many
parents are understandably concerned. Surgery is a serious undertaking
and it does carry risks. However, they might take some solace in the
fact that their family is experiencing this in modern times.
Surgeons are highly trained, highly skilled, and
have often specialized -- meaning they have maximum experience and
knowledge about the types of surgery they perform. Millions of surgeries
are performed every year without incident saving countless lives. This
was not always the case. The incredible success of modern surgery is
built on a difficult past of trial and painful error
Adult-child conversations linked to healthy development

to Dr. Fred Zimmerman, lead author of the study, the amount of language
input a child receives before age 3 is “significantly and strongly
associated with subsequent language acquisition.” And he is quick to
point out that it’s never too early for a parent to begin conversing
with their child.
Spring forward without losing sleep

On March 11th, we will turn our clocks forward one hour. For the most part, the time
change comes as good news: Warmer weather is just around the corner.
But the bad news is we lose an hour of sleep.
Unsurprisingly, most families have a hard time adjusting to the lost hour. It is common for many kids to experience sleep disruptions. Here are some helpful tips to make the transition a little smoother.

Smoking: 10 reasons for parents to quit
1. Help the health of people around you
Second-hand smoke is
linked to a number of ailments, particularly for children. Children who
are frequently exposed to second-hand smoke have higher chances of
developing upper respiratory conditions such as asthma, pneumonia, and bronchitis, to name a few.
Babies: An Overview
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reproduction is when an egg cell from a woman and a sperm cell from a
man unite and develop in the womb to form a baby. A number of organs and
structures in both the woman and the man are needed in order for this
process to occur. These are called the reproductive organs and genitals.
The male reproductive system
In males, the reproductive organs and genitals include:- testes, also called testicles: a pair of oval-shaped glands that produce sperm
- scrotum: the pouch of skin that contains the testes
- penis: the male reproductive organ, through which urine and semen pass
- prostate gland: a gland that produces some of the fluid part of semen
- seminal vesicles: a pair of glands that also produce some of the fluid part of semen
- vas deferens: a pair of ducts leading from the testes to the seminal vesicle, through which the sperm travel
Burns: Winter Safety
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How to keep children safe from burn injuries during the holiday seasonMost burn injuries are preventable.Most burns occur during winter. Here are tips on how to prevent burns around the home. FireplacesFireplaces can get very hot. Gas fireplaces get hot quickly. Keep your children away from fireplaces. Always use a fire screen. Never leave your children alone near a fireplace. |
Boils (Abscesses)
What is a boil?
A boil is an inflamed, painful swelling of the skin, caused by bacteria. Boils can occur anywhere on the body. They often occur in damp areas such as in the armpit and groin, and at the back of the neck. They sometimes occur in lymph nodes, often in the armpit, groin or neck.Boils are sometimes referred to as abscesses.
Bleeding: First Aid
In most cases, when your child scrapes or cuts herself, the bleeding will stop quickly. Although the amount of bleeding may seem like a lot, most minor wounds do not result in major blood loss or complications. However, if the bleeding does not stop, you will have to act quickly to prevent too much blood loss and maybe even shock. Shock occurs when the circulatory system fails to provide enough blood to all parts of the body. Signs of shock may include:Caring For Your Child's Fake Eye
This page contains information on:- your child's temporary artificial (fake) eye (the conformer)
- your child's permanent fake eye
What is a conformer?
After your child's eye is removed, your child will wear a temporary fake eye called a conformer. The conformer is like a big hard contact lens or a plastic shell. Your child will wear it until the eye socket is healed and your child is fitted with a permanent fake eye.Conformer |
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The conformer is an oval piece of plastic that may have an eye painted on it. Your child will wear this conformer until he is fitted with a permanent fake eye. |
The conformer should not hurt your child. You will not hurt your child or damage the socket by moving the conformer. If it falls out, you can put it back in.
// How the Body Works
L’usage de la mémoire rend maître rend maître

Le mois passé, la revue Science publiait une étude
Le mois passé, la revue Science publiait une étude
intéressante qui risque d’entraîner des répercussions sur l’enseignement
en classe. Les chercheurs ont comparé quatre approches différentes
liées à l’étude des manuels utilisés par le programme de sciences d’une
université. Ces approches incluent la lecture du texte une fois, l’étude
répétée du texte en quatre blocs de cinq minutes, la schématisation
conceptuelle tout en étudiant le texte et l’étude à l’aide des tests de
pratique de la mémorisation. Le risque d’obésité chez les bébés est lié à l’introduction des aliments solides

Des chercheurs de Harvard Medical School et du Children’s Hospital Boston concluent que les bébés nourris aux formules à qui on a donné des aliments solides avant l’âge de quatre mois ont six fois plus de
Monday, March 26, 2012
How dangerous is spoiled food produce?
BEIRUT: With the recent confiscations of expired food, concern is high
over the effect on public health, but what is the real risk? The Daily
Star spoke to some experts to find out about the potential health
First, once you’ve eaten food that contains harmful bacteria, there is little you can do to prevent food poisoning symptoms from occurring, but symptoms are unlikely to be life-threatening.
Food can contain a variety of bacteria, depending on the source, and because expired products are automatically confiscated for destruction, no tests have been made on the latest spoiled foods.
However, according to Nadine Zeeni, an assistant professor of nutrition at the Lebanese American University, meat is the biggest culprit for harmful bacteria, with the most common being e.coli, salmonella and campylobacter jejuni.
First, once you’ve eaten food that contains harmful bacteria, there is little you can do to prevent food poisoning symptoms from occurring, but symptoms are unlikely to be life-threatening.
Food can contain a variety of bacteria, depending on the source, and because expired products are automatically confiscated for destruction, no tests have been made on the latest spoiled foods.
However, according to Nadine Zeeni, an assistant professor of nutrition at the Lebanese American University, meat is the biggest culprit for harmful bacteria, with the most common being e.coli, salmonella and campylobacter jejuni.
Part of Burj Hammoud building collapses onto parked cars Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Local-News/2012/Mar-24/167809-part-of-burj-hammoud-building-collapses-onto-parked-cars.ash
BEIRUT: Two elderly women escaped death Friday when a wall of a
building under renovation fell on their parked car in the Beirut suburb
of Burj Hammoud, eyewitnesses said.
The uninhabited building’s wall fell due to what local residents said was a “poor foundation.”
The wall crushed two cars parked on the street, causing heavy traffic congestion and damaging an electricity pole, cutting off power in the neighborhood. Two women who were in a car escaped before the wall fell on their vehicle.
The uninhabited building’s wall fell due to what local residents said was a “poor foundation.”
The wall crushed two cars parked on the street, causing heavy traffic congestion and damaging an electricity pole, cutting off power in the neighborhood. Two women who were in a car escaped before the wall fell on their vehicle.
Italian, Slovenian peacekeepers honored at UNIFIL ceremony
BEIRUT: The United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon honored Slovenian
and Italian peacekeepers Saturday in a ceremony in the southern city of
Tyre where UNIFIL commander Maj. Gen. Paolo Serra reaffirmed the troops’
commitment to maintaining the cessation of hostilities between Lebanon
and Israel.
During the ceremony, which took place at the Roman Hippodrome in south Lebanon, Serra awarded U.N. Peace Medals to 1,112 Italian peacekeepers and 14 troops from Slovenia.
During the ceremony, which took place at the Roman Hippodrome in south Lebanon, Serra awarded U.N. Peace Medals to 1,112 Italian peacekeepers and 14 troops from Slovenia.
March 14 list wins Order of Engineers by-elections Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Politics/2012/Mar-26/167948-march-14-list-wins-order-of-engineers-by-elections.ashLebanon News
The list backed by the Future Movement-led March 14 coalition, the
Progressive Socialist Party and Al-Jamaa Al-Islamiya, won Sunday’s
by-elections for five seats on the Beirut Order of Engineers’ council. According to official results announced Sunday night, candidates George Feghali, Jahida Itani, Michel Matta, Marwan Sharrouf, Mughir Sinjaba won the five council seats with 4,642, 4,710, 4,576, 4,573 and 4,620 votes respectively. |
Best Babes of the Week: March 23
Okay, this would be one of those times where we need
to get our inner alpha male on. Here's a rarely given chance to party
with the likes of Sam Pinto or Stef Prescott, even more so in the shores
of Boracay and on a weekend. We're not gonna blow it. We're gonna pack
our bags and catch the next flight out. FHM nation, kita kits sa Bikini Heaven party bukas!
Katrina Halili Confirms Pregnancy!
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“Blessing po ito eh,” reveals Katrina, still visibly startled during her Startalk interview with Ricky Lo last Saturday. “Ito na ang ibinibigay sa akin na bagong chapter sa buhay ko.”
Life and career-altering this may be, it’s still a little bundle of joy now living inside a fine woman’s body. We’re certainly glad she feels that way.
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