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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

7 Sexy Tips for Getting Pregnant

Health and fitnessGetting pregnant and giving birth to a child is a natural phenomenon but frequently failure results in great embarrassment for both the partners and often causes depression.  Some time new wives need a little bit guideline about pregnancy and sex techniques in order to avoid some common mistakes and to get pregnant. Here are some useful techniques regarding intercourse to be kept in mind while doing love for conception.

Increase your Will Power

Will Power Mind set for conception is necessary for being pregnant. So if you want to get pregnant be mentally prepared, for it is necessary to get positive results. Have a sex with your partner with full confidence and take it as pleasant activity.

Improve Self Confidence

Sex enjoyment is very much concerned with your sentimental effects. Fear of failure becomes main cause of failure in some cases. Some emotions like anger, hate, moroseness, depression and lake of self confidence may spoil the real enjoyment sex with negative pregnancy results.

Enjoy Orgasm

Making sex should not be as routine duty. Daily intercourse is not necessary for positive results; you may make love after another day with your full sense of enjoyment, you will feel more orgasm, alertness and freshness.

Manage Sperm Rate and Quality

If you know that your husband is diagnosed with low sperm rate in medical tests, it is advisable that you should do intercourse on alternate days instead of daily; so the sperm rate should increase.

Avoid Complete Sex Abstaining

Abstaining from sex for more than 7 days results in sperms weakness in male partner. As aged sperms have low fertility potential as compared to fresh produced.

Lying after intercourse

Avoid standing position during love making and remain lying for at least 5 minutes after intercourse and don’t hurry up to go wash room. Give chance to sperms to be absorbed by your cervix.

Mood Freshness while Making Love

During sex fresh mood of both the partners is required; try to do it for enjoyment and pleasure instead of feeling boring activity. Try to give more orgasm to your partner before intercourse and to avoid premature ejaculation causing stress for your wif

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