Author: We spend our life, working hard, for more and more. Our greed to acquire never ends. Our schools, colleges and Universities are busy in developing new and advanced theories on the ‘Art of Acquiring'. Our parents, right from day one, look forward to our growth in terms of acquiring knowledge and wealth. The results are obvious. We earn what we aspire for. We aspire for wealth right from our childhood. This is true, generations after generations, and the result is that the wealth of the world has multiplied in geometrical progression, over a period of time. We have been so busy in our quest for wealth that we hardly have time to think or practice anything else. In the process we have lost our peace of mind and happiness. We are trapped in the mad race of generating wealth. Our life has become mechanical. Being tired of mechanical, monotonous and artificial life, we run after superficial happiness, to hotels, restaurants, night-clubs and what not. We lead a life, where we are of nobody and nobody is ours. Everyone ends at money. The result is unhappiness. The deeper we get into the mud of shortcut to happiness, more and more unhappy we are.
Money is a necessity of life. Earning money, by good means, is necessary and one must work hard for the same. What is bad and dangerous for life is getting obsessed with money – which has become the order of the day.
Work is worship. We must work hard to earn our livelihood and generate knowledge and wealth for self and the society and use this possession to garner happiness for self, family, friends and the society at large.
‘Act of Giving' is the simplest path to achieve happiness and complete accomplishment. Giving does not mean charity of wealth only. Each one of us can give a lot to the society. If you have wealth, give wealth to those who need the same for their basic needs. If you have been blessed with knowledge, impart the same extensively to create a more knowledgeable, matured and happy society. If you are not so knowledgeable, nor have spare money, please render physical service and give love to all those who need it.
‘Act of Giving' is a mindset. It has nothing to do with your possessions. The richest, the most knowledgeable, the most healthy may not necessarily be inclined to part with anything for others. On the contrary, the poorest or the weakest may be inclined to give everything that they possess to those who are needier.
‘Act of Giving' knows no boundary. It could be to the most loved one – may be your spouse, child, brother, sister or parent. It could be to your nearest relatives. It could be to your friends, colleagues or acquaintances. It could be to your neighbors. It could be to the social group with which you are closely associated. At macro level, it could be to the nation and the world at large. ‘Act of Giving' anything to anyone at any level always contributes to your happiness.
Aggressively indulge in the ‘Act of Giving'. Give it to those who need it the most. Give money, give knowledge, give service, give solace and foremost give love to one and all and remain happy.
‘Act of Giving' will bring you the greatest sense of accomplishment – many times more than the accomplishment that you get in earning and possessing knowledge and wealth. With each act of giving you get into a new relationship full of love, affection and respect.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/self-help-articles/act-of-giving-happiness-in-abundance-4106219.html
About the Author
Om Prakash Pasari provides Counselling on happy living, relationship, family matters, career, employment, finance and legal matters. If you need private matter counselling on relationship problem please visit http://www.ompasari.com/
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