heart break could happen by number of reasons… one of the most known
reasons, is being rejected by the person you love the most, and to whom
you have kind of dedicated your heart... it is definitely not easy to
handle being rejected by that one person... but, it is better to get out
of this emotion, before you start feeling guilty and blaming yourself
for not living up to the expectation of the other person;
Don’t be too proud try and work things out. If you’ve invested years of your life into a person and share a positive history with them, then your a fool if you let pride or the the opinion of others, get in the way of you trying to work things through. However, the desire to do this has to swing both ways, and if one partner is willing to work on the relationship whilst the other is not - it won’t work. You have to both want to fix
what has gone wrong.
Tell them exactly how you feel, don’t hold anything back. Why should you? Say what your thinking, how they’ve made you feel, why you feel like you have been treated badly. Let them have it, even if you hurt their feelings with a few home truths. But don’t scream and act like a banshee as this is counterproductive to them actually LISTENING to you, simply speak your truth.
If you can’t verbally articulate it, then write it in a letter; but say what needs to be said. Then if you forgot anything, go back and say what you missed, express yourself until you’re empty there is a difference between expressing yourself and stalking, don’t cross that line…
But you should bare in mind that you may not get the sort of response you would like, if you get any response at all! Emptying your heart on their door-step is not about them, it’s about you. Many will tell you, to “say nothing, and act as if you don’t care”. I disagree.
If you were so indifferent to the relationship continuing or ending, then why the hell were you in it in the first place?
Have some self-respect and sense of perspective. When a person you love rejects you, it can be so easy to assume all of the blame �" for everything. “I failed them, I wasn’t good enough, If I’d done x,y,z, they would still be here”. Ra ra ra….
There is nothing further from the truth.
When what is clearly a committed relationship comes to an abrupt end, if there have not been several joint attempts to get the relationship back on track, more often than not, this is about the other person and their ‘stuff’ and not about you. Remember that!
A person’s failure to communicate their wants, needs, desires and/or feelings of unhappiness -is not your fault. You are not responsible for another persons happiness, ever! And if they feel that YOU are the direct cause of their unhappiness and want to leave, then you need to accept that and let this confused person go.
Finally, remember you cannot be liked by one and all and would definitely not left out by those who believe you are their reason to live…
Don’t be too proud try and work things out. If you’ve invested years of your life into a person and share a positive history with them, then your a fool if you let pride or the the opinion of others, get in the way of you trying to work things through. However, the desire to do this has to swing both ways, and if one partner is willing to work on the relationship whilst the other is not - it won’t work. You have to both want to fix
what has gone wrong.
Tell them exactly how you feel, don’t hold anything back. Why should you? Say what your thinking, how they’ve made you feel, why you feel like you have been treated badly. Let them have it, even if you hurt their feelings with a few home truths. But don’t scream and act like a banshee as this is counterproductive to them actually LISTENING to you, simply speak your truth.
If you can’t verbally articulate it, then write it in a letter; but say what needs to be said. Then if you forgot anything, go back and say what you missed, express yourself until you’re empty there is a difference between expressing yourself and stalking, don’t cross that line…
But you should bare in mind that you may not get the sort of response you would like, if you get any response at all! Emptying your heart on their door-step is not about them, it’s about you. Many will tell you, to “say nothing, and act as if you don’t care”. I disagree.
If you were so indifferent to the relationship continuing or ending, then why the hell were you in it in the first place?
Have some self-respect and sense of perspective. When a person you love rejects you, it can be so easy to assume all of the blame �" for everything. “I failed them, I wasn’t good enough, If I’d done x,y,z, they would still be here”. Ra ra ra….
There is nothing further from the truth.
When what is clearly a committed relationship comes to an abrupt end, if there have not been several joint attempts to get the relationship back on track, more often than not, this is about the other person and their ‘stuff’ and not about you. Remember that!
A person’s failure to communicate their wants, needs, desires and/or feelings of unhappiness -is not your fault. You are not responsible for another persons happiness, ever! And if they feel that YOU are the direct cause of their unhappiness and want to leave, then you need to accept that and let this confused person go.
Finally, remember you cannot be liked by one and all and would definitely not left out by those who believe you are their reason to live…
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